About this project

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Grandparents

Sierra's mom and Burn Richards are both in their second marriages. Now married to each other, they spend a lot of time shopping for the grandchild. Even though the baby is not biologically related to Burn, he cares very much about her. He is nonplussed by his step daughter, Sierra.


The grandparents meet at a hip art gallery. Joby's parents bring the baby.

There may be some sort of electricity between Joby's mom Valencia and Burn.

Doting grandparents.

Joby's father Federico does not approve.

Valencia is fun-loving and playful, a contrast to Federico's stern mien.

But even Fred is softened by the infant.


Elegant Valencia quiet moments at home. Artwork by Sue Fandel.
Sue Fandel Rocks the Role as classy grandma...
Background artwork by Sue Fandel

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